How do Industries Benefit from SensaWeb’s Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting System?
Continuous monitoring and automated reports offer significant cost savings and greater operational freedom for staff, improving overall productivity at work.
Continuous monitoring and automated reports offer significant cost savings and greater operational freedom for staff, improving overall productivity at work.
Many IR procedures use X-rays or fluoroscopy, exposing both patient and staff to radiation. Some use very little radiation and more for complex procedures.
Personal radiation monitoring devices (PRMDs) are radiation sensors “designed to measure, over a specified period of time, the radiation dose received by a person who is occupationally exposed to radiation.”
With borehole logging devices containing sealed radioactive sources, exploration workers can be exposed to significant radiological health hazards.
Every year, millions of radioactive materials are transported worldwide — radiopharmaceuticals, radioisotopes for agriculture and radioactive substances for nuclear fuel production.
At very low doses, radiation poses low risk to a person’s health. For short term, above 500 mSv is a dangerous amount but highly unlikely to be received in a short period of time.
IAEA says a monitoring programme is a “key element in verifying that a licensed radioactive waste disposal facility meets its specified performance and safety requirements.”
SensaWeb is proud to sponsor the 43rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Radiation Protection Society (ARPS), which will be held at The Canberra Rex Hotel from 7 – 10 March 2022.
With the use of radiation in different industries like medicine and nuclear power, there should be a responsible waste management plan for the safety of the community and the environment.
Like other mining facilities, uranium mining companies take safety precautions. The Australian radiation safety regulations are among the most comprehensive in the world.