What is Infrared Radiation and How Is It Used?

Infrared radiation usually goes unnoticed but it’s something you encounter every day. Toasters, incandescent bulbs, and remote controls use infrared energy, as well as industrial heaters used in drying and curing materials. 

Monitoring Personal Radiation Exposure At Work

Personal radiation monitoring devices (PRMDs) are radiation sensors “designed to measure, over a specified period of time, the radiation dose received by a person who is occupationally exposed to radiation.”

How Do Radiation Protection Suits Work?

For people working with radiation sources, garments are designed to minimise penetration of radioactive materials. The PPE set is usually composed of hat and face shield, steel-toed boots, coveralls, hooded radiation resistant suit, breathing apparatus, and a personal monitor.

Radiation Exposure in Medical Procedures

Most of the man-made radiation we are exposed to comes from the medical procedures we undergo—standard X-ray and CT scans to diagnose injuries and disease. Radiation is also used in radiation therapy to improve health and even save lives.

The World’s Most Radioactive Places

In the 1940s, nuclear weapons production began at Hanford which generated large amounts of radioactive and chemical wastes, both solid and liquid waste. It’s one of the largest and most expensive cleanup projects in the world.

CASE STUDY: Copenhagen Atomics

Copenhagen Atomics are working with Grassroots Research, an Australian research company to identify safe, efficient and cost-effective ways of extracting Thorium from excess material deposits and mine tailings.